Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

25% ME Group Guidance Sheets – available to Members only

The following items are available at the members’ area of the website. This guidance can also be sent to members as an email attachment – please contact: LINK. Alternatively paper copy may be posted out, at a charge of £1.50 per item (including postage): please contact the office.

ESA 1. Claiming ESA with Severe M.E. – Key Points                         
This provides some basic pointers about how ESA is judged and advice on the sort of things you should be taking into account when completing an ESA50 form.

ESA 2A. ESA50 Form Part 1 – Physical Function Guidance                             
Detailed guidance on completing part 1 of the ESA50 form.
UPDATED January 2022.

ESA 2B. ESA50 Form Part 2 – Mental, Cognitive & intellectual Function Guidance
Detailed guidance on completing part 2 of the ESA50 form.
Updated January 2022

ESA 3. Basic Information on ESA                                                                               
This gives the basics on how ESA is judged, and points that anyone supplying supporting evidence should be aware of.

ESA 4. Face to Face Assessment Guidance                                                          
Guidance on preparing for and having a face to face assessment.

Reconsideration and Appeal   
Please contact the advocacy service directly for advice on this topic


Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

25% ME Group Guidance Sheets

PIP1 – Guidance  on starting your PIP claim
This guidance sheet covers the first stage of the process, getting your PIP claim up and running
title: ‘PIP1 – Guidance.pdf’ – downloadable from link below

We also have the following guidance on how PIP awards are judged, and completing a PIP2 form (about how your illness affects you.

The following items are available at the members’ area of the website. This guidance can also be sent to members as an email attachment – please contact: LINK. Alternatively paper copy may be posted out, at a charge of £1.50 per item (including postage): please contact the office.

PIP2 form completion guidance Part 1
Explains how decisions about PIP are made, and provides general guidance on providing information about your difficulties with Daily Living and Mobility.

PIP2 form completion guidance Part 2  
With specific guidance on each aspect of Daily Living and Mobility involved in PIP.

PIP2 form completion guidance Part 3
This looks at completing other parts of the PIP2 form, such as giving information about your illness [Q2], and the professionals involved [Q1], and supplying additional information [Q15].
it also covers supplying supporting evidence.

Reconsideration and Appeal
Please contact the advocacy service directly for advice on this topic

We also recommend the Disability Rights UK Guide to PIP

This is free to download at: and can be provided by post from DRUK, at a cost of £5. You can order a copy via the on line shop at the DRUK website, or by phoning 0203 687 0790, or by writing to:

DRUKPlexal14 East Bay Lane

Here East

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park




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