Special Issue “ME/CFS – The Severely and Very Severely Affected”
Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,
“ME/CFS—The Severely and Very Severely Affected” is a proposed themed Special Issue of Healthcare concerning housebound and bedbound Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) patients. Our intent is to redefine ME/CFS as the serious disease that it is. Up to this point in time, all literature and case definitions of ME/CFS have excluded severely and very severely affected patients, and diagnosis, patient management, and case definitions have been based on the ambulatory ME/CFS patient. Although never formally studied, it is estimated that twenty-five percent of ME/CFS patients are either severely or very severely affected. What other disease’s diagnosis, patient care, and case definition exclude the most severely ill twenty-five percent?