M.E. Awareness 2017

About the pro forma letter to NHS England

  1. The ‘MUPS’ publication relates to England only. If you live elsewhere in the UK it does not apply. We therefore advise that only members living in England send the letter.
  2. Please remember to put your address on the letter for reply.
  3. Letters can be more effective if they are personalised. You may wish to say something about your own situation / experience – particularly if you have already experienced medical neglect, or inappropriate attitudes or management due to your illness being viewed as a mental or behavioural disorder.
  4. We will place this item at the ME Awareness 2017 section of the 25% ME Group website so that if you have web access, you can download a copy to edit.

The NHS continues to collude in the portrayal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis as a “functional somatic syndrome” under the guise of “medically unexplained symptoms”. As you may recall, this was the focus of last year’s ME Awareness campaign which involved writing to the Chief Executive Officer of NHS England (part of the Department of Health).

Form letter to NHS England

Form letter final

The care needs of people with Severe ME

With so much misinformation, misinterpretation and misunderstanding about ME in the public domain, it is important that Carers and Agencies providing care are in receipt of accurate and safe information on how to provide care in the best way.


Response to BACME paper

BACME REsponse