ME Information for Professionals

This page is for Professionals that have ME patients in their care or who are wishing to find out about severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and how to care for them

The Tangled Story of ME/CFS
Hard to believe that patients with ME have been treated so poorly for decades, but they have, and the stirring story of their resilience and unwillingness to be forgotten is brilliantly portrayed in these videos. If you really want to know about the most serious health challenge facing our planet, one that still has not been recognized, be sure to watch these videos and then demand the change that is so desperately needed.”
Leonard Jason, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology. Director, Center for Community Research, DePaul University, Chicago.

A series of educational videos

2021 – HEALTH Learn about M.E. – free CPD training for health professionals in the UK
GENERAL New support for professionals on managing ME-CFS and Long Covid
GPs, medical students and allied health professionals in the UK can now access free
online training on the diagnosis and management of ME-CFS.
At present diagnosis remains very slow and management and treatment can be
disjointed and ineffectual. Online professional education can make a big difference in effective practice and so ease the burden of illness.

This news item highlights funding to support dissemination of the module in the UK. However the module can be undertaken by doctors anywhere in the UK, indeed anywhere in the world

Template letter that can be used to send to health professionals, in order to encourage them to take up the training

CPD Module template letter March-2021

Display poster of the CPD module

Poster CPD NM

Podcast explaining module